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Prima Jope



Nichole Lee

Healer, Intuitive Guide, Transformational Life Coach at Nichole Lee Global, LLC

"Prima has the divine gift to tap into who you are, what you desire and how to take that vision and make it a reality right now. She reminded me of my gifts and my uniqueness that I can offer to the world in a way that goes beyond branding. It was a confirmation of my mission . Why I am here on this earth. I felt seen , heard, and understood as well as with practical ideas I could Implement immediately."

What YOU Really Want..


✅ Never send another follow up message ever again.

✅ Spend time with those that need your work and are able to pay  what its worth.

✅ Have targeted conversations with those who need your work.

✅ Become the person who can Command any price in the market place. 

✅ Work deeply with fewer clients who truly light you up. 

✅ Live life on your terms,  without the need to sign another client out of necessity.

✅ Spend your days doing what you love, and changing lives as opposed to trying to be a better marketer / sales person.

 What You May Be Experiencing...

❌    Crickets under your Campaigns. Its like you are trying to sell poison to your audience.

❌    Draining your energy trying to prove your worth to people who don't see it.

❌    Chasing clients or having to use scripts that you hate to get people to buy.

❌   Doing exhausting launches , Challenges  Campaigns  that yield to nothing sometimes.

❌   Constantly feeling like the world's  best kept secret . Its like you are invisible.

❌   The Feeling that your potential is  slowly gathering dust. 

❌   Repeatedly struggling to increase your rates in the market place in fear that

     they wont sign up.

❌   Struggling to bring  more people into  your life changing work 

❌   Being  looked by potential clients

❌  You feel Under Valued and Invisible in the market place. 

You feel like your work has the ability to change lives but you feel like nothing you seem to be saying makes sense to people whose life / business depends on it. 

AGAINST ALL ODDS - Prima’s Story


In 2020, I was stuck in Uganda, a place where mediocrity is the norm, with poor roads, unreliable internet, and unstable power. I had a passion for style and dressed the corporate man in Africa until COVID-19 forced me out of business and online.

Two years later, my online business had taken off  dream clients,$97K months, all while still in Uganda. All with a very  simple model: 100 true believers.

Four years into my journey, I married my soulmate, met on Facebook while pursuing my dreams. No manifestation, just true connection and belief.

By this point, I had made multiple six figures and helped many clients do the same. However, many were unhappy despite their financial success.

In early 2024, my top client's health deteriorated. Despite her financial success, her body was failing. The doctors struggled to help her as she was not responding to medical treatment , and she got worse.

I sought answers in the world of healers. My client recovered within two months of trauma-related healing sessions.

A lot pf things started making sense.


I started to understand that  that one's success is limited by their  level of cautiousness.

I embarked on a new journey of understanding all the experts that do this truly life changing work that I never knew existed before.

Now, I use my sales , personal branding and marketing expertise to partner with these life-changing healers.

 I want the world to know about their life changing work and I want to learn everything I can about this work that often gets overshadowed by make $10k Per month promises.

After seeing  this work save my client’s life, I am determined to share it with the world.

This is the essence of my work. I find incredible experts, I interview them about their work, and get them to be discovered.



This work brings me immense joy and I wouldn't want  my legacy to be about anything else but this work.


At its core, you only need 100 true believers to move from being a best kept secret to being known well by those you are called to serve.  


1-A high value Offer that people need and want right now


2-A Community of 100 true believers in what you do 

3-Your ability to provide results in advance which makes monetisation really easy 

Prima's Info Slides (3).png


A high value offer is like a free ticket to dinner. Your dream clients are looking for answers and your offer is going to tell them whether you have those answers or not.  You need an offer to get you into conversations with your dream client .Otherwise no one really cares about value posts any more. What can you offer that is so relevant your dream Client wants it?  This is your ticket to creating conversations. I believe everything you are looking for today is hidden in the conversations you are not having. 


Great marketers excel at creating a true sense of community, beyond traditional  Facebook groups and Skool Communities . Your community can be anyone who connects with you online. 

To make this happen, you need a clear, simple message that resonates to that person and makes them feel like a part of something.

It's one thing to know how you help your audience; it's another to communicate it clearly. A clear message fosters a connected community outside  the traditional structured groups.

Many experts fail to simplify their message which makes it hard to build a true community online. Without a community, spreading your message can be   challenging.



If you're highly skilled but struggle with marketing, this might be  great news.

In my observation, todays sophisticated buyer seems to not respond to traditional  marketing. For example I personally no longer opt into anything or open unsolicited emails.


I even have a "Do Not Open" folder for emails from gurus, which I empty every 90 days. Clearly traditional  marketing doesn't seem to be working on me any more.

Despite my strange behaviour, I still buy high ticket offers. How? I simply ask my friends 'and i  tend to listen to podcasts where that expert has been  interviewed to decide if id like to buy from them. 


There seems to be a significant market segment that no longer engages with traditional marketing methods and that is the audience my clients and i serve.

So how do we move on from here?

 You no longer have to be the best kept secret. You deserve to be seen, recognised, and rewarded. Don’t let your legacy be defined by obscurity.

Become a guest on the Worlds best kept secret podcast.


Experts often come to me when they realise they are amazing at what they do but know that their marketing efforts are holding  them back.


My belief is that all you need is 100 true believers in the work you do not 1,000,000 followers which is always a shocking realisation to them as they often think they need to  do so much to get their message out. 

You know that my work is for you if you love simplicity, are not the type to chase trends and have scars from the school of hard knocks with your work. What i mean is that your work actually changes people's lives.

If  you are worried about tech, you have come to the right place. Most of my clients start with messenger, zoom, calendry and gmail and still get hired. In fact i often use these every tools to show any one that they do not need as much tech as they think they need.  

Having me on your team in any capacity will allow you to mainly get hired among other beautiful things outlined below. 

  • Create 100 true believers who buy and talk about your offers

  • Create effortless conversations with your dream clients

  • Get more referrals because you have  a simple system to get referrals without the hope that the client talks about you.

  • Become the go to expert for the problem you solve.

  • Build a  tiny but profitable audience of those who need your work.

  • Gain Recognition and respect for your contribution. 

  • Stand out of a noisy market and get hired. 

  • Create a high-value offer that the market wants and needs right now.

  • Get more of the right people into your work by actually doing less marketing stuff. 

  • Be seen and heard by those who can afford to pay for the transformation you have to offer. 

  • Build a business that fits around your lifestyle.

  • Spend more time with your dream clients as opposed to  following up with people that don't value your life changing work.

  • Simply Marketing and sales . You can achieve better results today with half the marketing efforts you seem to be putting into your business. 

  • Enjoy a simple business that is highly profitable with less overhead costs.

  • Be the type of person whose clients pay well, stay, and refer all their friends to you because you are changing their lives. 

  • Be so clear in your message you cannot be mis understood.

  • Get off the guest podcasting wagon and start turning  your podcast guesting efforts into real  conversations that convert into  sales.

  • Become a repeat guest on my podcast where i am personally involved in getting your message in front of those who need it.

  • Have me on your client acquisition team. I send my clients referral business at every chance. 

  • Become a part of the fastest growing network of experts and tap into   the life changing connections that are already changing other experts lives.





You spent a good portion of your  entire life mastering your craft 

Gone through hell at this point to know what you know 


Spent tens of thousands of dollars investing in all the coaches you thought were worth investing in 


Gone through the labour of building an audience 


Now its time to stop being the best kept secret and let the world  experience  your life changing work.


I stepped into this work to give a chance to you who had amazing work and was ready to put it infront of those whose life depends on it.

You deserve to be seen, recognised , and rewarded. Don’t let your legacy be defined by obscurity.


Prima Jope is renowned for her uncommon ability to help guests create Interviews that get Clients.


She Works with those who have life changing work  but constantly feel like the best kept secret.


Prima believes that all you need is 100 true believers in your life changing work and not millions of followers.

Prima's work exists to bring life changing work in front of those whose life or business depends on it.

Prima believes  that success in life and business is  10%  strategy and 90% mind work and she is determined to defend the work of those that help human beings get out of their own  way to create the lives they desire. 



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